Maranatha Village, Springfield, Missouri is a pleasant community in which to reside. Eighty-nine-year-old, Regina Shultz, is still having fun—utilizing her sewing room to bless her neighbors. Helping neighbors with minor tailoring needs is just one way through which she has developed long-lasting friendships. Good friends and fellowship are what make Maranatha Village special!


The residents of Maranatha Village retirement community, Springfield, Missouri, look forward to the bi-monthly Town Hall meetings. CEO Brian Miller always gives an update on all current and future projects, receives questions from the floor, and the coffee bar with refreshments are made available.

Each Town Hall meeting opens with prayer, led by full-time Chaplain Shawn Oberg. The Holy Spirit’s guidance during these sessions is amazing! Harmony and comradery characterize the gatherings, the marks of a Christian community.


My husband and I saw a rather inviting article advertising Maranatha Village Retirement Center in a March 2003 Pentecostal Evangel magazine. We drove the 300 miles from our home in Olive Branch, MS, to Springfield, MO, to see Maranatha for ourselves. We were so impressed that we sold our house and moved into our duplex here on May 18, 2003 – in less than a two-month timeframe.

Now, twenty years later, I am still impressed. I find Maranatha residents and administration to be a close-knit community full of kind, caring, loving, and attentive people. The maintenance crew takes good care of the grounds and whatever needs attention inside a residence. Other residents were extremely supportive of me when my husband passed away in March 2022.

Besides being on the receiving end, Maranatha provides many opportunities for me to be of service to others. I am privileged to help greet Chapel visitors every Sunday and Wednesday, as well as providing music for gatherings in the Assisted Living section.

Residents also serve in various capacities throughout the Village, including our benevolent Maranatha Mall which donates proceeds from their sales of donated used items to the needs of those in the Nursing Home section. We can participate in any or all of the offered activities, exercise classes, games, worship services, Bible studies, breakfast with Chaplain, prayer meeting, etc. 

Maranatha is one big happy family. If I did not already live here, I’d be packing to move in right now!


Maranatha Village was on our minds ever since we moved to Springfield, Missouri, twenty-five years ago. At first, it was the possibility of Marcie’s mother, who lived with us, becoming a resident. When, the time came that she needed more care, a room became available in Assisted Living, and we moved her to that facility. She had four great years at Maranatha. 

We began thinking about our future when retiring from foreign missions’ service with the Assemblies of God. Three years ago, we put our name on the waiting list for a duplex. Two years later, we received a call from the director of Independent Living, saying a duplex was available.

 We had to decide if we were ready to move. Our home was way larger than what we needed, and the yard was getting more difficult to maintain. We decided that we wanted to make this move while we were able to make the decision, and manage the move—not when our kids had to make the decision for us. We started downsizing, put our house on the market, and prepared to move. Our new home at Maranatha Village was painted, new flooring laid, and new appliances installed. We moved in on January 13, 2022.

Our experience here has been super positive.  We knew many people here, and have made lots of new friends. We attend services at the Maranatha Chapel when we are not committed at our church. We are still involved with our family with Sunday dinners and sports activities. When we travel, we know that our home is secure and the yard will be maintained. Maintenance needs have been met quickly. We are still able to have guests in our two-bedroom, two-bath home. There are many activities in the Community Center. We are happy with our life at Maranatha Village. God bless Maranatha Village!


My spouse was beginning to show signs of memory loss in 2007. I felt impressed to move to Springfield, Missouri where we would have access to better medical services.

We lived for five years just north of Springfield. My wife’s condition continued to worsen. The Lord began impressing on me about moving to Maranatha Village retirement community. We needed the security of knowing that if something happened to me, my wife would have a home, the same friends, a Christian environment, her medical needs met, and physical security.

My wife and I enjoyed five wonderful years together before she entered a memory facility. She fell and broke her leg, at which time, she was moved to the Maranatha Village nursing facility. This made it possible for me to visit her twice a day for the next 20 months before she passed away.

Moving to Maranatha Village was a good move for my wife and me. The neighbors are friendly, caring, and become good friends. It is a wonderful atmosphere in which to spend one’s senior years. I have continued living here, and enjoy every day. I found a place to serve as manager of Maranatha Village Mall—a community thrift store. Think about moving here, pray about it, and if possible, visit our campus. May the Lord direct your steps.