The Maranatha Village Mall is an integral part of Village life. It is a ministry to dispose of many items of clothing and household items left behind by residents who have moved or died. The items are sold and the funds used to purchase medical or specialized equipment for Maranatha Village, and personal assistance for needy residents.

The Mall is operated by a volunteer dream team, and open to the public on Wednesdays. It is a blessing to families working with the transition of loved ones and a help to the greater Springfield community.

Team Leader Roger Perkin


All eyes, at Maranatha Village, Springfield, Missouri, have been on the growth and development of three baby swans. Kate and Kyle, the


The West Haven Terrace block in Maranatha Village, Springfield, Missouri consists of 11 housing units. The block residents are great friends, and


The first day of summer found residents of Maranatha Village, Springfield, Missouri, enjoying the annual fish fry hosted by the Village administrative

Offering Seniors Security and a Home

“Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” Psalm 37:3

© 2024 Maranatha Village | All rights reserved | An Assemblies of God Ministry