Short-Term Rehab
Proven therapies that encourage a quick recovery.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is a form of therapy that encourages recovery and rehabilitation for activities required in daily life. The term occupational means anything that occupies your time or that you have difficulty doing because of injury or illness.
Our occupational therapists will assess your current needs and how they impact your ability to participate in daily activities. We will customize your rehab plan and provide personalized adaptive equipment, so you can strengthen your muscles, improve your balance, and get back to everyday life.
Physical Therapy
Premier Rehabilitation provides the most intensive physical therapy program in the region. We focus on therapies that restore, develop and maintain optimal movements that make you feel comfortable again.
Our therapy team assists people in any stage in life when their ordinary activities are affected by injury, disease, aging, health conditions, and/or environmental factors. We’ll help you get back to ordinary life with proven therapies.
Restorative Therapy
Restorative therapy goes beyond physical therapy to help you recover movement and physical agility you’ve lost over time. Our team will recommend exercises over several months to return strength to your muscles with the goal of creating easier movement. Restorative therapy aims to return muscle movement to the state before any degradation occurred.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy improves the physical mechanisms and muscles of the throat and mouth. Our team works with patients to improve skills related to their voice, verbal communication, swallowing, memory, and problem solving. This type of therapy is particularly useful for people who have had a stroke or debilitating illness.